
Hand cut low-iron glass, monofilament, LED. 2015
1.5m x 0.8m x 1m

‘Quietude Infinities’, (composed of 4 ‘constellations’). 2018
5m x 5m

A perceptual instrument exploring cyclical interrelations between forms of projection, tracing and reflection—a landscape of mind that unfolds in flux, interfacing between body and environment. A single spotlight is directed towards a constellation of glass circles, which turn on their axis as intra-active dream-objects that combine, travel together, enclose one another, and then separate, occlude, circle and pass-through; projecting ever changing combinations of orbital motion onto the surrounding space. A movement of quietude—an opening relation.

The immediate horizon given to our perception appears to us to be necessarily surrounded by a wider circle, existing though unperceived, this circle itself implying yet another outside it and so on, ad infinitum - Bergson 

Such is the in-finite, as the affirmation that all finitude (and every being is finite) is, in itself, in excess of its determinacy. It is in infinite relation - Nancy

I live my life in growing orbits which move out over the things of the world - Rilke