rays in the form of space
Precision-cut, bevelled and hand-bonded clear and optically coated glass, 2025
2m x 1.5m x 1.5m
Three individual forms are created by extrapolating a singular warped rhombic dodecahedron prism, which is tilted as if set into and emerging from the ground. Colour coating with magnetron sputtering leaves panels clear where the glass panes on the individual sculptures would have overlapped on the rhombic dodecahedron.
The three forms are oriented so as to create alignments between the threefold geometric division of space and the movement of the sun through the course of the year in relation to the centre point of the geometry. The alignments to the extremity of the sun’s position at sunrise and sunset, are mirrored in the optical clockwork generated through the projections of sunlight through the glass both through the course of the day and seasonally.